Millions of people drive through and walk across the streets of New York every day, whether to explore the state or commute. However, as with any other highly trafficked road, pedestrians and drivers assume a level of risk while using those streets—and certain roads have gained infamy for their high accident rates.

Our New York car accident lawyers at Rubenstein & Rynecki know these roads; let us tell you what you need to know.

New York’s roads range from expansive highways to congested city streets, and the most dangerous ones feature high traffic, poorly maintained infrastructure, and overaggressive drivers.

For instance, locals have nicknamed the 12-lane Queens Boulevard “The Boulevard of Death” due to its record of pedestrian fatalities (although recent government improvements have helped curb the number of accidents).

Meanwhile, the Long Island Expressway (LIE) sees constant traffic and has gained a notorious reputation for multi-vehicle accidents, especially during rush hour. The Cross Bronx Expressway’s bottlenecks, frequent traffic jams, and history of severe accidents made this roadway one of the deadliest in New York.

How Can You Stay Safe on New York’s Dangerous Roads?

New York drivers should take certain precautions when driving in these high-risk areas: first, avoid distracted driving at all costs. Texting takes one hand off the wheel and diverts your visual and mental attention from the road. That split second can make the difference between a rear-end collision and a safe journey in fast-paced stretches of road like the LIE or Cross Bronx Expressway.

Adhere to all posted speed limits and avoid aggressive driving. Tailgating, weaving between lanes, and road rage can endanger yourself, your passengers, and all drivers around you. In inclement weather, such as snow during the winter months or rain during the spring, New York’s roads can lose much of their traction—maintain a safe following distance from all cars in front of you, and slow down to a safe pace, even if other cars around you are pressuring you to speed up.

What Should You Do if You Are Involved in a Car Accident in New York?

Accidents happen, even to the best and most defensive drivers—and you should know what to do after you get into a freak collision. Ensure everyone’s safety by getting everyone out of traffic and calling 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance. New York law does not technically mandate reporting a non-injury car accident with property damage below $1,000, so you may feel tempted to forgo this call.

However, you should call 911 regardless of whether you plan to file an insurance claim to cover your damages. The police report will help you substantiate your story. Additionally, you may not notice some car accident injuries, such as concussions, as they sometimes take a while to show symptoms. An examination by first responders will help prevent any further complications.

Protect Your Rights With the Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyers at Rubenstein & Rynecki

If you got into a car accident in New York City and need help navigating the post-accident legal scenario, trust Rubenstein & Rynecki. The Brooklyn car accident lawyers will guide you through the legal system. Call our Brooklyn office at 718-522-1020 or fill out our online form for a free consultation. We serve clients throughout New York City, including Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island—and we look forward to helping you, too!