Concussions are one of the most common types of injuries that can occur from a car accident. Yet, too often, they are not properly diagnosed and treated because people do not always recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion. While a mild headache may not seem like a serious injury compared to losing consciousness, it could be a symptom of a concussion. If left untreated, a concussion can become very serious and even lead to permanent physical and cognitive impairments. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the symptoms of a concussion after a car accident so that you can seek immediate medical attention.

If you were in a car accident, and you hit your head on the steering wheel, the window, or an object in your vehicle struck your head, you may have a concussion. However, depending on the nature of the injury, the symptoms may not be apparent right away. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it is important that you seek immediate medical attention to determine whether you have a concussion:

  • Loss of consciousness. Any time you lose consciousness, this is cause for concern. Even if you lose consciousness momentarily, it is a sign that your brain has been through a trauma, and you may have a concussion. Keep in mind that just because you do not lose consciousness does not mean that you do not have a concussion.
  • You feel dizzy. If you feel dizzy, become nauseous, or feel sensitive to light, this is an indication that you may have a concussion, even if you did not pass out.
  • You are confused and experience memory loss. This is a common symptom of concussions caused by car accidents. You may have trouble remembering details about the accident, become confused about the date, or have a difficult time concentrating on a particular task. You may remember hitting your head.
  • You experience mood changes. Concussions can also cause you to become easily irritated, angry, angry, or nervous for no apparent reason. You may also show signs of depression.
  • You have a persistent headache. This is a concussion symptom if you have a headache that will not go away, worsen, or develop blurry vision or balance issues.
  • You develop sleep issues. Concussions can affect your sleep patterns, causing you trouble falling or staying asleep.

What Are the Different Types of Concussions?

A concussion is generally a mild brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head. When this happens, it can cause bleeding, tearing, or bruising of the nerve fibers in the brain. There are three grades of concussions, including:

  • Grade 1: No loss of consciousness, but you may experience temporary amnesia for up to 30 minutes.
  • Grade 2: You lose consciousness and experience amnesia for between 30 minutes and 24 hours.
  • Grade 3: You lose consciousness for more than five minutes or suffer amnesia for more than 24 hours.

What Should I Do If I Show Signs of a Concussion After a Car Accident?

Whenever you are involved in a car accident, it is in your best interest to seek immediate medical attention, particularly if you hit your head and are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms. If you fail to get examined by a healthcare provider who can properly diagnose and treat the injury, a concussion can become more serious and even lead to permanent injury. In addition to seeking medical attention, the following are additional steps you should take if you suffered a concussion or any other type of head injury:

  • Get a referral for the type of diagnostic imaging that will detect and help diagnose the type and severity of a concussion.
  • Obtain copies of medical records, including the hospital and emergency room treatment. This will provide documentation that you were diagnosed and treated for a concussion.
  • Notify your insurance company that you were injured in a car accident. However, do not sign any settlements, waivers, or releases related to the accident. Insurance companies will use various tactics to pay the least amount of money possible. If you accept an initial settlement offer, it may not cover the costs of concussion symptoms that develop later.
  • Contact an experienced car accident lawyer who can assist you with the claims process, protect your legal rights, and pursue the financial compensation you deserve.

What Damages Am I Entitled to for a Concussion?

Depending on the severity of the concussion, the expenses associated with your injury can accumulate very quickly, particularly if your concussion is considered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that requires extended care in the hospital. If the other motorist involved in the accident was at fault, you may be entitled to financial compensation by filing a personal injury claim. If you can prove that the other driver caused the accident, a successful claim may cover the following:

  • All medical expenses associated with your concussion injury, including hospital expenses, follow-up doctor’s appointments, physical therapy, and prescription medication
  • Lost wages if your concussion prevents you from returning to work
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of consortium

Our Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyers at Rubenstein & Rynecki Recover Compensation for Victims of Concussion Injuries

If you suffered a concussion injury in a car accident that another motorist caused, do not hesitate to contact the Brooklyn car accident lawyers at Rubenstein & Rynecki. We will help you navigate the claims process, address your questions and concerns, and seek the maximum financial compensation you deserve for your injuries. To schedule a free consultation, call us today at 718-522-1020 or online. Our office is in Brooklyn, where we serve clients throughout New York City, including The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.